Integrating Coaching Into Leadership Roles
Thoroughly Biblical, the focus of this flexible-length workshop is on integrating coaching mindset and skills with existing leadership roles. Participants reflect on their current behavior and leadership styles and integrate coaching skills to create a unique blend for greater leadership effectiveness. Participants learn powerful leadership skills for solving problems, reaching goals, and developing others - at home, on the job, or in ministry.
Train Others
The Trainer License provides you with the know-how, materials, and permissions you need to lead live training events of The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders. You can lead in-person or live over the Internet. There is a one-time fee for the License, after that all you need to do is purchase a Participant Manual for each person you train.
The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders Trainer License is available to those who have graduated from the Coaching Mastery Certificate Program, or equivalent.
The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders Trainer License is $1500 (USD).
Each Participant Manual is $20 (USD), plus shipping and applicable taxes. We offer a "print yourself" manual option for $5 per participant for those leading workshops with participants outside the USA.
Trainers Receive
Support for Trainers
Everything you need: Trainer's Guide, Schedules, PowerPoint slides, marketing materials, and a copy of the Participant Manual for yourself.
The COACHING Workshop for Christian Leaders is used by dozens of trainers in countries all over the world.
Remote Delivery
Everything you need to deliver the Coaching Workshop remotely via Zoom, etc. to a live remote audience.
Integrates with the book The COACH Model for Christian Leaders and the popular COACH Model®.
Tap into a larger system
If your participants want more, send them to our courses. You can even become an Approved Instructor so your participants can earn International Coach Federation (ICF) coaching training credits. See below.
Online resources
Updates, videos, PowerPoints slides, and marketing materials are available as downloads in a secure place.
Schedules for online, and in-person 1-day, 2-day, and 3-day workshops are included.
Professionally printed manuals
Order book-bound participant manuals when you need them and have them shipped where you want them.
Unlimited number of participants
Rights are sold on a per trainer basis. Each trainer may train as many participants as they like, where they like.
No annual or per-event fees
Trainers are not required to pay renewal fees. You only pay once for the License. Then purchase manuals for each participant.
License Agreement
Read the full license agreement here.
Marketing Materials
Full marketing materials for you to advertise and attract participants. Marketing text, 11 styles of ad photos, social media messages, and an Eventbrite tutorial video to teach you how to set up your own registration page - all ready to use.
Other Languages
Participant Manuals are available in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Brazilian Portuguese, English, French, Italian, Korean, German, Spanish, and Swedish. Other languages can be arranged.
Questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below.
To purchase The COACHING Workshop for Christian Leaders Trainer License, you must have graduated from the Core Coaching Skills Certificate Program, Coaching Mastery Certificate Program, or equivalent.
Here's what you'll get:
125-page printed Trainer’s Guide.
Video Trainer's Guide of 24 different training segments.
Access to purchase book-bound Participant Manuals.
Workshop schedules for 1 day, 2 day, or 3 day events.
PowerPoint slides with custom workshop background.
Workshop surveys to gather data.
Coaching definition cards with custom workshop background.
Links to download all workshop videos, schedules, PowerPoint slides, surveys.
"Introduction to Coaching" 15, 30, 60, 90-minute mini-workshop printable handouts and schedules.
To purchase, you must have completed our Core Coaching Skills Certificate Program or Coaching Mastery Certificate Program or 60 hours of coach-specific training.
Questions I'm Frequently Asked
Q: Where can I read the full License Agreement?
A: It's right here. Be sure to read it.
Q: What's the difference between the Trainer License and an Approved Instructor?
A: The Trainer License is the license and materials to train The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders. An Approved Instructor has a Trainer's License and met other criteria. Participants from an Approved Instructor's full Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders event may pay an additional fee to Creative Results Management to upgrade to the Coaching Workshop Certificate Program and receive 21 ICF training hours.
Q: Can I lead it online via Zoom?
A: Yes! As long as the training is done live with you leading. Licensees are not allowed make a recorded online course. You may record sessions for live participants to make up a session they missed.
Q: Can I change the content of the Participant Manual?
A: No. In order to keep the integrity of the training high, we do not allow changes to the Participant Manual.
Q: Do you have a "secular" version of the Coaching Workshop?
A: You may lead the Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders with anyone, but you may not change the manual (ex. removing Christian content). This license terms are intended for ministry settings.
Q: Can I change the cover of the Participant Manual?
A: No. Your agreement requires you to use the manual as is, and to provide that manual for every participant.
Q: Can I print the Participant Manual myself?
A: For trainings held in the USA, Licensed trainers may purchase book-quality Participant Manuals for $20 each. For trainings held outside the USA, Licensed trainers may purchase "Print Yourself" manuals for $5 per participant. They will receive a pdf of the Participant manual and permission to print the number of copies they purchased. This keeps costs down, has no postage, or import duties.
Q: Where do I get the Participant Manuals?
A: After purchasing a License you will be given a login to order Participant Manuals at
Q: How long do Participant Manuals take to ship?
A: The printed manual order process is 2-3 weeks and are shipped according to your preference to the address you wish them sent to. "Print Yourself" manuals for outside the USA are an immediate file download.
Q: Can I create a video workshop for people to watch?
A: No. All training must be voice-to-voice live with the Licensed trainer present. Meaning: in person, over a conference call, or a live webinar.
Q: I have not graduated from the Coaching Mastery Certificate Program?
A: Graduation from CORE, Coaching Mastery or equivalent is a prerequisite to becoming a trainer of The COACHING Workshop for Christian Leaders. This will give you depth in the philosophy and processes that you will be training, and increase your coaching experience.
Q: Can I license the Coaching Mastery Certificate Program, rather than The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders?
A: The Coaching Mastery Certificate Program is not available for license.
Q: Can I translate The Coaching Workshop for Christian Leaders?
A: Translations will become available as there is enough demand. Contact us to discuss a translation. We have a lot of experience in this area and have translated the Participant Manual into more than a dozen languages.
The COACHING Workshop for Christian Leaders Trainer License
Are you ready to begin training others in coaching skills?
Price: $1500